Jason and Jamie

Jason and Jamie

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New to this!

Well, hello all you bloggers out there. This is my first ever blog in the blogger world. I've posted things on myspace before but I no longer have the myspace account b/c I never used it. I'm a facebook girl! I have several friends and family who blog and would love to be able to share in their adventures in blogging. :-)

The year is 2010! That to me is CRAZY!! I am closer to 30 than 20 and that is just weird. My ten year reunion (if we have one) will be this year! I remember when I was in high school and thinking about when people said they had been out of high school for ten years or more and thinking they were old and it's gonna be forever 'til I reach that point. Well surprise! It's here and I am thinking back on all the things that have happened in the past ten years.

I've graduated from high school. I started college in the fall of '00. Had an amazing first year at Belmont! :) Had a house fire that started in my room Went to Mexico on a mission trip for the first time and fell in love with a little boy named Louis Brito! He has a sister, Maribel and brother Miguel. It hurt to leave him. I still think about him to this day. I wanted to adopt him and his family. I just pray that he is safe and doing well. Went back to college in fall of '01. Experienced 9/11 with the rest of the world but not like those who 'really' experienced it. Dropped out of the fall semester. Worked three jobs in the spring of '02. Went back to Mexico and had another lovely week with Louis. I tried to send him some things for his b-day but before I did I called to make sure that he was still there at City of Children, and he was no longer there. It broke my heart but I pray he is doing well and still knows God. Went back to school in fall '02 and started over pretty much. B/c of my Mexico experience, I wanted to minor in Spanish. Well, I don't do well with learning other languages it turns out so I dropped it. I was always determined to go abroad for a semester to a spanish speaking country but that died when I dropped the spanish minor. I was an art major and it hit me.....go to Italy with the art program. THE BEST THING I EVER DID!!!! Well, except the mission trips of course! :)

In the year 2006, I started hanging out with Jason Frankum. We hung out and did things with my two friends, Heather and Michelle. We were always hanging out. I then went to Italy for four months and it killed me to be away from my family and friends and especially Jason. It was very fun and I'd do it again (studying abroad) in a heartbeat but the missing family and friends was the hardest part.

The year 2007 was a life changing year for me. I fell in love with Jason. I finally graduated college in May. I stopped being irresponsible with somethings in my life in the summer and was non-stop hanging out with Jason. We finally started dating in October and then in January '08 he proposed to me in a way I had never dreamed of. It was perfect really. My dreams started to come true on that very night and in October of '08 we finally said 'I will!' (We changed the words around where instead of asking the couple 'Do you take ...', we said ( well Kerwin said) "Will you take ..." and therefore we said "I will!" ) It's been a crazy year and few months but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I now have three brother-n-laws instead of just one. Within a year, well eleven months, me and my other two sisters got married. We're all married now and it's still kind of weird. BUT I love it! We can all understand each other a little better now. I also have two more sisters and another brother-n-law. Loving the big family!!! :-)

2010 is upon us and I'm ready for a new attitude. I'm ready to be more positive and I'm ready to be better to myself. I've been slacking on taking care of myself and I need a new way. I ready to start doing my own photo shoots and enjoying time with my family and friends. I enjoy time with family and friends now but I'm just ready for something new. My sister-n-law, Rachel, is have a little baby girl sometime hopefully in February or March. We are all super excited about baby Braelyn. Braelyn will be the new addition to the family and I know I'm super excited about her.

This is a super dooper long first post but I'm excited about what's to come and what's not to come. May the year 2010 brings everyone peace and joy and happiness!!!



  2. Yea, Jamie! Welcome to the blog world! I can't wait to keep up with what's going on with you guys!

    What a nice recap of the decade. I learned quite a few things about you!

    Oh, and you can change the size of your font by editing the post. I love blogs, so if you have any questions, just email me! :)

  3. Thanks Mindy!!! I will definitely ask you about how you do so much cool things with your blog! :)
